Monday 23 April 2012

Hungry For Prayer

The hungry. Those who attempt to fall asleep at night, trying to fight off the pains that scream from the inside. They battle daily for just something small to take away the agony. They struggle from one person to the next, asking, begging, hoping that this would be their lucky strike. Praying that the next person they ask will have it in their heart to help a brother out. "Please help, I'm starving!" He says. His words are said with desperation, with an almost  expectation to be rejected. Since so many have already turned away and looked beyond his situation. He smiles. It's a forced smile. A smile that perseveres through the harshness of reality.

"Hunger knows no friend, but its feeder." ~ Aristophanes 

I was blessed to see the world through the eyes of a fellow brother, suffering on the side of the road. He was playing his guitar, against the wall, waving a cup and asking for donations. It was early morning, and busy with people. I sat across this street musician, smiled and waved. We shared some words of greeting, names were exchanged. I was eating some maize meal, that I had just bought from the supermarket. "Why are you eating it dry?" he mumbled. His words were difficult to understand. I realized then, that he had a type of disability with the way the he spoke. "I'm quite low on money." I responded, not expecting much of a reaction from my newly met stranger. There was a pause. "Let me give you some money to buy some milk, and i can join you!" he very excitedly half shouted, as his eyes lit up and his hand dived into the half broken donation bag he carried with him. Still making sense of all that was happening, I proceeded to go to the supermarket to get us some milk. We shared the maize, now flowing in the luxuries of added milk. There we were, two strangers enjoying our breakfast on the side of the road. It started getting really busy at this point. People arriving from all directions. A man drove up on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Parked a few metres from us. Got off, walked straight up towards me, laid his hand on my head, and said "God, please help this man find a job." As he was walking away, I asked him to please pray for my new found friend too. Which he gladly did. I thanked him, and he left. This was wonderful, as it now sparked flowing conversations of God as the provider and protector between my new friend and I. He even proceeded to take out his bible. "I going to read this later," he said with a confidence and gratitude to the events that had just taken place. 

"Prayer is more than something we do. It's something that God does through us." ~ Ben Jennings

I was glad to be apart of this mans life, and grateful to have him apart of mine. A valuable lesson, and unforgettable experience was shared. The power of obedience and stepping out and praying for those that God calls us to, is a very important task, that we should not take lightly. It might just change that persons life.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

God Knows Pain

"You may never know that Jesus is all you need, until Jesus is all you have" ~ Corrie Ten Boom

God knows pain. He had to watch from the side, as the world tore His only begotten son apart. He sits daily and sees the world fall into sin, suffering the consequences of wrong choices. Broken and barely alive, Jesus was placed on the cross. There even came a time when God had to turn away, as His son entered into His final moments. Till today, there doesn't exist a word to describe a parent who has lost their child. In the midst of hurt and torment, Jesus was all alone, and he was in pain, a pain that He chose willingly. To pay the price that would bridge the gap, and provide us with support in times of need.We can truly say, that 'Jesus took His last breath, so that we may experience the breath of God in us.' He experienced immense pain, without God. So that we wouldn't have to.

"God whispers in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, 
                                                                                         but SHOUTS in our pains." ~ CS Lewis 

An emotion that we've all experienced, tasted its' bitterness, and felt the sting of what it had to offer. It is seen as an enemy, a feeling of discomfort and heartache. We question the reasoning behind. Some might argue and debate why such a feeling even exists. We overcome one pain, only to be met by another soon after. It seems to be a never ending cycle. One that can only be changed by looking at it from a different perspective. Pain should not be a feeling that we run or hide from, worry when we anticipate a trial or hardship up ahead. Rather we should embrace and see the deeper meaning, the purpose behind the current circumstance we find ourselves in. It is in the midst of the pain, that we truly see what we are capable of, and in doing so, we discover what God is capable of achieving through us. Life doesn't stop when we are down and hurting, bruised and in agony. It carries on, with or without you on-board. What I have found in my life, is that though the world continues, God stops for a second, to come to your aid. He kneels down beside you and offers you His hand. He waits there with you, and when you are ready, helps you to stand up. For it is when we are weak, that He is strong. 

"Our problems are opportunities to discover Gods solutions." ~ Unknown