Thursday 1 March 2012

The Tree Climbing Stupid Fish!

"If you teach a fish, that it can climb a tree... It will spend the rest of its' life, believing that it is stupid!"
~ Author Unknown

There's massive power in what you speak. You ultimately possess the potential to make a person reach their utmost and highest level of living. The being they were ultimately meant to be, full of life and energy. Filled with a desire for more, and a peace and joy that out weighs all struggle.

On the contrary. What you say can be a raging fire, a fierce and destructive force. Burning hopes and dreams to nothing more than ashes. Destroying confidence, self-worth, and happiness. Replacing them with hatred and depression.

We play an important role in the wellbeing of those around us. Our words resonate long after they have been spoken. In a sense they are a living life force. They carry with them an energy, a frequency of influence which comes with massive responsibility. An opportunity to bring out the best or worst in someone. Be aware of what you teach to those around you, just as every snow flake eventually leads to an avalanche. What you say, might be the final piece to break it off.

"Happiness isn't something you experience, its' something you remember"
~ Oscar Levant.

Be that happiness that they remember. Let your words echo a wave of beauty and love. A shining light, in a world crammed with harshness and dark outbursts. All being thrown around with no consideration of their impact they are having on the receiving individual.

Try speaking  life into the ones you're in contact with. A compliment here, a praise there is all it takes to make a change. The next time you're faced with a tough situation, and there's a temptation to fight back. Rather take the high road instead.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.."
~ Proverbs 15v1

This will save you a world of pain.

To conclude. Always place yourself in your neighbors shoes. You just might be the "tree climbing fish" one day, feeling "stupid" from false teachings someone has spoken over you?

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