Wednesday 22 February 2012


When one thinks of success, what is the first word that comes to mind? Some might say it is based on achievement, victory and conquering all. Who do you look up to as a role model for success? Could it be your parents, a celebrity or maybe even your best friend.

For me success is not a destination, but rather a journey, a way of life and an attitude for right here and now in our everyday lives. When I think of the word 'success', I think of perfection, and since there is only one being that ever lived on earth that was perfect in all He did, We look to Jesus Christ for some guidelines on living a life of success. By thinking for a moment about what we know about His life through the gospels, wouldn't you say His ways of living were that of 'success'? We clearly know that it was a life of suffering and hardship, with servanthood and sacrifice at the very core.

Surely His destination was successful, but the question that I want to leave you all with here   is this...

...Would it have been a successful destination, if the journey was not one lived in success?


  1. This thought has my head spinning a bit... Our idea of success is so warped and shallow, we can hardly begin to imagine that Christ was successful in every way, and yet lived a very 'humble' life.

    1. Thanks for the comment Lady Coetzee :) It's So true what you say. Our perspective on success is so influenced by society, all twisted and upside down, to somehow make a profit at the expense of life itself. A sad truth, and definately one that makes you realise just how much of your time on earth you've been spending blindfolded, I know for a fact, I surely was and I'm sure that in my life there are still areas that need work. I find peace though, in the certainty that there's always hope for change. Change for the better, the truth shall set you free.

  2. "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can so all this through Him who gives me strength... And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4)

    "Success"... that whole "being content in every situation" is what gets me every time.
