Wednesday 30 May 2012

Letting It Out

"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." ~ Bruce Lee 

We make many mistakes in life, yet it's being honest about those mistakes which really makes the difference. It's easy for us to be honest with God about our mistakes, since we can secretly tell Him what we've done wrong, and we know that He won't judge, think or love us any less or different. The tough part is speaking about your mistakes to people. Since  we've felt judged before by our family, friends and most of the time strangers. We tend to harden up over the years, and are afraid to open up about our failures to our neighbor. We struggle all alone. Silent and hurting. For fear of what they might think or respond. We limit ourselves from receiving help!

"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." ~ Oscar Wilde

I've done this more times than I can remember. Over and over, I tend to revert back to my defenses. "It works" I'll tell myself, "nobody knows, and anyway, I'm sure nobody cares either!" I keep them all inside, and watch them evolve, piece by piece into massive monsters of repression and hatred. They always come out in the end. One day, when I'm not expecting it to. With all the suffering that I had to go through along the way, just to feel it explode nonetheless.

"The Lord directs the step of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by hand." ~Psalm 37v23-24

Life is worth so much more than holding on to our mistakes. Our faults and failures. Speak them out. Post them online if you have to. Just get them out. Be prepared for the repercussions, because there are people who will hear of your mistake and hold it against you. Don't be afraid of your imperfections. It is your flaws that makes your life unique to YOU! You'll feel free, and the load will be lifted.  It is when we lay down our pride, our shame and speak out what we did wrong, what we are sorry for, that we begin to open up room for forgiveness and freedom to flow. Someone around might just hear about your struggle and feel relief, that they are not the only one who went through that storm. A relief that you brought, a light of hope through your courage.  It starts with us taking that risk, no matter what, and letting it out! 

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