Monday 7 May 2012

Bringing Your Side

There are relationships in my life that need work, there's a lot of pain, hurt and distance that requires healing. "I've done enough!" I'll say, "I've done my bit, now they must do theirs!” is what will come out, in an attempt to reassure my choices and actions. This is me, all Caught up in my pride, with a loss of peace and direction, stubborn and selfish. Seeking reason, instead of solution!

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” ~Revelations 3v20

There have been countless times, where God has brought His side. Extended out His hand to me when I was lost and tied up in darkness. He would try to meet me half-way, waiting for me there, only just to see if I will come. Most times I didn't, which didn't once discourage God to turn away and give up on me. What I've found in my life, is that God doesn't just wait for us at the half-way mark, He'll go all the way, His half, as well as ours. He'll walk all the way to our door and knock, in the hope of us answering. Not just wait on the road, for us to come to Him. Too many times I would wait for the person in the relationship that I would be struggling with, to meet me half-way, to put their side in. What God has taught me, is to always do more. My savior always shows up, whether I want Him to or not, He comes to my rescue. Shouldn't I do the same?

"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces whiles regret weighs tons." ~ Author Unknown

The cost for reconciliation is always worth the struggle. I speak from experience when I say this, that you don't want to be the person saying to yourself, "I should've done things differently. If only I had tried harder.” I've been in that position in the past, and it hurts when there's nothing more that can be done. "All I wanted, was just one more day, to make things right." Unfortunately that privilege won't always be there, we need to grab onto it while it is. I urge you, and I'm speaking to myself too, that we heal that hurt, mend that relationship, and we need to do it all today. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, let's not take that chance, and wait any longer!

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