Monday 30 January 2012

God Made Provision For Human Error

God made provision for human error. He's got a backup plan for those moments of weakness, of disobedience and of doubt. He knows we have the potential to overcome, to conquer, to be great in He who created us. He also knows that sometimes we slip, we fall, we make mistakes. We're not perfect, and God knows this.

My inspiration for this message I bring to you comes from the well known story of "David and Goliath", a story of a 'man after Gods' own heart' standing up in faith against a giant. And the question I was asking myself the other day, was "why did David pick up five stones instead of one?" Surely God knew that David had the potential, was capable of taking Goliath on, defeating him with only one stone. And by the word we get that David had full trust in the Lord to make Him victorious over this massive giant he was about to take on, that so many other mighty soldiers were afraid of.

Could it be that God led David to pick up five stones, just in case, for some unknown reason David might have doubted, took his eyes off God or let fear enter into his mind. God made provision for human error, He took into account that we might not always be obedient to His guidance, as many times in our own lives are not.

My understanding is that David struck down Goliath in his first shot, one attempt was all it took to bring this giant down. Yet if he didn't, he still had four stones, four more chances to achieve his purpose that God had called him for. In my own life, as a testimony to His greatness, there have been giants in my life that i have had to throw stones at. Some have taken one, while others, more than one to strike down. The biggest giant in my life, being that of 'drug addiction'.

I dont want to go to much into it, if you've heard one story, you've heard them all. Always the same, pain, suffering and loss. Getting arrested, rehabs and dancing with death. With Gods' massive grace and mercy, and bigger calling on my life, He provided me with the ammunition, the strength and the stones to throw at my giant. Whether it took me one stone or twenty five to strike him down, it was by Gods' power and his might alone that I am here today, sharing my testimony to all of you, as a conqueror in Christ. As it states in Revelations 12v11 'And they have defeated him by the blood of the lamb, and by their testimony...' Just in that verse, by putting 'the blood of the lamb' and 'their testimony' in the same sentence and on the same level, shows us the power that we all possess with our testimony. Everyone one of you out there has one of how God has been there for you, in whichever way it may be. He can use it to help someone, be the light in their darkness, a guide where they are lost.

So to end off, I just want to encourage you all to use those stones that God has given you to strike down the giants in your life. You might be on your first stone or fifteenth for that matter. The important point, i want to make, is that you 'throw those stones'. If you've missed a few times, for whatever reason only you know. Don't give up, don't lose heart. I believe and have full faith that you can be a conqueror, and you know what... SO DOES GOD!

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