Thursday 27 September 2012

Replacing Your First Love

But I thought you loved me...” She fell to the floor, her heart broken from the verbal beating she'd endured. He just walked away. She was shattered. Broken. Her head felt like it was spinning out of control, down towards an endlessly black pit.

He was her world. Her love. Her life... And now all that crumbled as the echoing slam of the door reverberated off the walls of her heart. As she lay there on the floor, a pool of tears forming, reflecting a pain words couldn't come close to expressing, she heard a whisper.
A sound so soft, so smooth. The piercing pain ebbed into numbness and time seemed to slow, bend, break and stop. That whisper...

“I still do.”

Her head lifted. Expressionless eyes staring into the darkness. The dying heart in her chest fluttered as the whisper continued.

“I still love you. You replaced me, but I never replaced you. You are still my first love, you are still my Pearl of great price.

Her shaking body stilled. Her tears, once pouring, now slowly ran down her pain paled face. The hand clutching her aching heart relaxed.

“I still reach for you with a gentle passion. I still hold my hand out to you. My love for you will never waver or die. I will never leave you or forsake you. Nothing you can do will cause me to stop loving you. Let me take your pain, let me be your first love again.”

She slowly lowered her hands to her side. Palms up and closed her eyes. A whisper escaped past her trembling lips.

“Forgive me.”

As the whisper died away, the dying light in her eyes began to glow as she embraced the love of her Father once more. Never again will she replace the love of her Father with someone else. He remained her first love. He remained her life, her world, her forever.
A gentle pressure under her chin lifted her head towards the sky. Her eyes trailing the empty room regained a light deep within their depths. This was her First Love. 

~ Written by Gina Botha

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