Wednesday 1 August 2012

A Slice Of Encouragement Pizza

- The battle for good to win is never easy -

I was going through an old journal when I came across those words. Which, asper usual, got me to thinking. I can only ever write from personal experienceand as of late I've become aware of just how much I don't know about manythings; most of all being a Christian. In fact, I would consider myself quite a failat being an ambassador for Christ. Praise God for his abundant grace.

So in my knowing what I don't know, I am lucky to be privy to learning amultitude of things. And one of the things that I had a mini-epiphany aboutlately was that conflict and struggle in our lives is the medium through whichwe grow and mature as people and as spiritual beings. For a very long time, I'dalways tried my best to avoid uncomfortable situations and escape fromconflict, unknowingly keeping myself in the same place instead ofprogressing. I've found it everywhere in my life – I generally prefer to backdown for the sake of keeping the so-called peace. Now, I'm not saying thatbeing peaceful and all is bad, but when you're faced with an unavoidableconflict in life, I say RISE to the occasion and stick it to the man, because you'llprobably come out a better person on the other side. Easier said than done, Iknow, but a reminder that the battle for good, for progress, for growth to winis never easy. Just a short word of encouragement for today :)

Hugs people

“Moreover [let us also be full of joy now] let us exult andtriumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings,knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship producepatient and unswerving endurance” - Romans 5:3(Amplified)

~ Written By Veronica Christou

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