Thursday 16 August 2012

The High Chair

So often I fall into the clutches of self-righteousness. Where I elevate myself above my fellow brother and sister. I look at their sin with condemnation, with a feeling of pity and with no understanding. What I see is only on the surface, yet i comment as if I know there thoughts and motives. I seem to be very quick to forget, that it was not long ago that I was living in sin, doing one bad thing after the other. Leaving a massive trail of destruction behind me. How did I feel, when those around me would catapult their hurtful opinions towards me?

Was I not shown grace and mercy by God? Am I not still alive today through divine intervention? When God stepped in and broke the plans that the enemy had for me, plans of pain and hurt. It was by the Lords hand alone that I am able to testify today, to stand and continue to walk and overcome the trials placed in front of me.

'If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.'
                                                                                            Galatians 6:3

There's always so much more that meets the eye, so much that we cannot see or understand. Why am I so eager to look at my neighbours faults, and maybe only touch lightly on my own. There were moments in my yesterday, where I saw little to no hope. All I could see was the right here and now. There even came times where I wanted to take my own life, because I couldn't imagine anything better. Now here I am, wanting to sit on my high chair and look down on others! Who am I to pass judgement. Who am I to cast stones at others! Is my past clean? Is it perfect?

I didn't think so!

~ Written by Anastasios Konstantinopoulos

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